Sunday, September 27, 2015

No Comments

Ok, no. Scratch that last post.

I know I'm human because I get terrible headaches.
And I get frustrated because the internet doesn't reach all the way to my bedroom as well as it should.
I love the feeling of taking a shower and just sitting down and letting the water wash over me.
I hate when people make jokes about people/groups of people.
But I make those jokes myself..
I freaking know that I'm a human because I'm sitting here looking at a computer screen absolutely hating what I see. I'm writing to hopefully be a part of the 'top 5' list. But that's not going to happen when I'm writing to get praise;not explore me.

So dear me,
Stop thinking. You know you think too much about every little thing there is to think about. Turn off the depressing music and go listen to some Disney songs to make you happy again. Wear your favorite shirt even though nobody else likes it. Take a nap for crying out loud! Say no. You're not everyone elses' slave. Just keep trying, alright?

dear mom,
I lied to you. I have stepped on the scale to see how much I weighed. No. I haven't gained any weight back. Yes. That terrifies me. But I am so much more than that. And I know you see so many good things about me, and I'm sorry that I can't just accept those compliments. But please do not stop giving them...

dear Nelson,
I didn't know that you knew my name. You rarely acknowledge me during class... I think you've said my name twice besides roll-call. You've never commented on any of my posts. Not saying that you have to! There's not much quality stuff. I just wish that I could be like those bloggers you always praise, that everyone always praises! I want to inspire people. Make them think. I want to steal in such a way that it seems original. I'm just not creative in a way in which I can express. Sorry.

dear Paris,
You try to seem so inviting, and yet from the outside looking in you are quite cruel.

dear robots,
I envy you because you feel no sadness. I am sorry for you because you feel no sadness.

dear comments section,
I give you far much more attention than I probably should. I try to come up with clever titles and inspiring lines, but nothing seems to grab your attention. My blog is not defined by you and your number.

Starting today. I write for me. Not for you.


  1. I know your name.

    This was fantastic. Great title. Great exploration into this whole thing. The blogs, the comments, the top 5s. You're figuring this out, I can tell.

    I loved the letter to Paris. Very true.

  2. I read this 3 times and i dont think its enough.

    i needed to read this.

    thank you.

  3. "Starting today. I write for me. Not for you."
    I needed to heard that

  4. "dear Paris,
    You try to seem so inviting, and yet from the outside looking in you are quite cruel."
    So relatable, thanks (kind of thought I was alone in this thought)
    Thanks for the reminder too.
