Sunday, September 13, 2015

My Self Portrait


our creativity was what was running us

and as time goes on we learn from society we can't do stuff
we've been conditioned to move to a place of what loves us
every decision we make is based off of what other people think of us
So you're saying this person completes me, which in reality what you're saying is you are incomplete without this person.

If you're under the illusion that these things outside of you are what complete you, you will always be a victim.

when you were a kid you were working on you.

and that same mentality exists within the people who are great at what they do.

So dear me,
     No matter how old you are. Start working on you. Start deciding for yourself what you love. And even though 8 year old me is not who I am today, and I may not enjoy crayons as much as I did, I realize more about myself now. I realize now that in order to draw myself I need pencils and pens and crayons and markers. I need my wants and desires and the people I love and my pet peeves. I cannot draw a complete self-portrait with just crayons. That is because I am not just one thing.
 I am not just made up of my exes. So don't you dare refer to me as "so and so's ex." 
I am not just my scars.
I am not just the digits on my social security card.
I am not just an american.
or a girl.
or short.
or a student.

I am not these individual characteristics of me, I am rather the accumulation of all of these things that makes up who I am. 

My self portrait is still being drawn, and it is ever changing, because who I am is what I love, and what I love is changing constantly. 

So dear me...

keep drawing even though you know you're terrible. 
Kiss your teddy bear goodnight.
Do your homework, someday it'll matter. (I think.)
But most importantly keep running, no matter how slow you go. As long as you can take another step towards who you truly are, take it.




  1. i feel empowered because of this. i feel like i can conquer anything and i don't know how you did it but well done.

  2. that last bit is my favorite. you're so inspiring
